Brian McCormick Training Systems Brian McCormick |
Brian McCormick is
a Basketball Performance Specialist. McCormick has traveled the world training players and teams as the Head Coach of a professional team in Sweden a clinician in Greece, Macedonia,
China and South Africa and the Technical Director of the 2002 U-18 South African Champion Western Cape team. He has worked
with junior and senior national team players from South Africa, Sweden, Greece, Switzerland, Ireland, Nigeria and the
United States. His articles have been published in Canada, South Africa, Italy and the United States; he has published four
books and produced one instructional DVD.
B.A. American Literature,
UCLA 2000
M.S.S. Sports Coaching,
United States Sports Academy 2005
Performance Enhancement
Specialist, National Academy of Sports Medicine 2006
Certified Strength
and Conditioning Specialist, National Strength Conditioning Association 2005
Sports Performance
Coach, USA Weightlifting 2005
Level I Coach, USA
Track and Field 2006
Damligan (Sweden)
All-Star Game Head Coach, 2003
Why Train with Brian?
Brian McCormick Interviewed by Ryan McNeill of, July 2007 Brian McCormick Interviewed by Ryan McNeill of, March 2007 |
UCLA Special Olympics Basketball Team Conquers the State Games |